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Monday, October 27, 2008

What Will It Cost Me? (Matthew 19.16-26)

October 26, 2008
Sermon by: Robert Austell
download (click, then choose "save to disk" for playback on computer or iPod, or play sermon live in this window below)

**Sermon audio is also accessible as a free podcast in iTunes - search for "Good Shepherd Sermons or Robert Austell"**
[This particular Sunday, I'd recommend the audio version over the manuscript version below... it changed quite a bit in delivery.]

This month we are talking about discipleship, or following Jesus. We’ve been asking some of the key questions of Jesus-followers and this week we ask, “What will it cost me?” Last week we heard that if you want to follow Jesus you must “take up your cross.” Today’s text is related in the sense that it focuses on what we must lay down in order to truly take up the cross.

To say that another way, discipleship or following Jesus involves both a taking up and a letting go. Last week we looked at what one has to take up. Today we’ll be looking at what we must let go.

Go, Sell, and Give

A man comes to Jesus having led a very good life in terms of God’s Law. He is religious and has kept the commandments. He’s a good man, as good is generally understood to be defined, but he comes to ask Jesus if there is not one more good thing that he may be missing. And Jesus doesn’t fail him. He tells the man to let go of his riches in order to receive treasure in Heaven. And the man goes away disappointed, for he owned much.

I want to take two passes at Jesus’ response here. In both cases, note the verbs – the imperative, action verbs. They are all in verse 21 and there are five of them: GO, SELL, GIVE, COME, FOLLOW.

I often focus on the last two (come and follow), as I did last Sunday. But look, in order to come and follow, sometimes (maybe all the time), we must give something up and give something away.

In this man’s case, it was money and possessions. He was rich, and Jesus knew that his attachment to his possessions were in the way of his complete devotion and obedience to God. And so, Jesus issued the invitation. It’s not supposed to be comfortable or casual. Remember last week? It costs something. And in this man’s case, it cost too much.

The language also brings to mind last week’s teaching. Here Jesus says to sell and give away possessions in order to receive treasure in heaven. Remember last week? What is a soul worth? Is it worth hanging on to earthly stuff to risk losing your eternal soul? Jesus’ counsel sounded like a bad deal, but it was exactly what the man needed to hear. It was truth, spoken in love.

The question this passage always brings to my mind is this: “Do I have to give away everything I own in order to be a Christian?”

The short answer to that is, “Yes, if that’s what Christ asks of you; then yes.” Well, if that is hard to hear it gets harder before it gets any easier…

Digging Deeper

In the broader context of Jesus’ teaching on discipleship, which includes last Sunday’s text, money and possessions are not the only things that can stand in the way of following Jesus. It’s just the specific example here. And this is where this gets harder. For some, the thought of selling everything, giving it to the poor, and following Jesus is the hardest thing you can imagine. For others, it’s conceivable… or at least being very, very generous with money, property, and things.

But Jesus isn’t speaking against wealth. He is speaking against greed, covetousness, and idolatry. To “translate” those three into everyday language, he is speaking against holding on to my stuff, wanting your stuff, and putting something before God. Jesus recognized that one of the biggest spiritual obstacles for the wealthy is wealth. But the application is far deeper and more personal than that.

Jesus says GO and SELL to anything that we hold closer than the cross we would bear. It might be our wealth; it might be our addictions or appetites; it might be our habits and sinful behaviors; it might be our time. We hang on to destructive behavior because it gives us a sense of control rather than yielding control to the Lord of the universe. We give God an hour or two a week, and begrudge Him even that. We give to the church and to charities, but do so out of duty or for the tax break; when was the last time you delightfully just gave it away and felt the freedom of letting it go?

Jesus goes on to say GIVE to the poor – that is, love neighbor more than self. And he ends with COME and FOLLOW. Here he lays out the pattern for the Christian life. We must be stripped bare of everything that encumbers us and trips us up. We must look away from self to those around us. And we must follow closely after Jesus.

Sound hard? … maybe even impossible? Jesus makes an apt comparison – ludicrous, but then so is what he’s asking of us! It would be easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to give his wealth away. Surely, it would also be easier for the camel than for me to give up an extra hour of sleep to come pray on Tuesday mornings; or to give up eating breakfast out in order to support God’s work in our neighborhood. Personally, I’ll give up the money, but don’t ask me to give up my comfort or habits or entertainment! You can send that camel packing!

The Impossible Question

In studying this text I read that it was commonly believed in Jesus’ day that being rich was a sign of God’s blessing. (I think we buy into that pretty much in our time, too!) This explains why the disciples were so dumfounded at Jesus’ teaching here. They ask in verse 25, “Then who can be saved?”

I’ve found myself asking that of God when I study passages like this. Honestly, I just want my Christianity to be like any number of other things in life: I’d like a moderate degree of “success” with the least effort possible. We can pull off American Christianity with that mentality; but we can’t be Jesus-followers the way Jesus defined it.

And the disciples are right. Who can do that?

The answer is no one can, except with God’s help. Jesus acknowledged this very thing in verse 26: “With people this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

How does this square with our experience? Here’s what I can tell you…

Being a Christian isn’t a casual thing; it is an all-or-nothing, stake your life on it, take up your cross and let go of the rest thing. That’s how Jesus defines it and that’s what he is calling you and me to when he says, “Come, follow me.”

For a very few people, the transformation from unbeliever to believer is sudden, drastic, and a complete overhaul of their life. The folks I’ve known who have had this experience are usually pretty much at the end of their rope when they meet Jesus, and the taking up and letting go is a no-brainer.

For many of us who have grown up in the church, the transformation to the kind of follower Jesus describes here is slow, halting, and full of resistance on our part. In this sense, we greatly resemble the rich man in the story, whether “our thing” is possessions or something else we cling to. Nonetheless, with God all things are possible. And if we are believers, God is at work in us already! So God uses the Holy Spirit, the teaching of His Word, the encouragement and accountability of the church and Christian family, and the clear calling of Christ to peel away the stuff we tend to accumulate around our souls. In these ways God calls out to us: GO, SELL, GIVE, COME, and FOLLOW.

Taking Up and Letting Go

The discipleship question for today is “What will it cost me?” The answer is anything and everything that stands between you and God. You know what that is more than I do. It’s probably the thing that comes to mind if you’re hoping, “I hope he doesn’t name that.” And this is why it is such good news that God sent His son to seek and save the lost. If we were left to our own devices to find God, we’d have about as much hope as that camel. But with God all things are possible.

So I challenge and charge you, in the name of Jesus Christ, to let go of what keeps you from God. If it’s everything all at once and God’s doing a real number on you, thanks be to God. Or, if the Holy Spirit has put one thing on your mind that you need to lay down, I invite you to pray for God’s help to do so.

In order to take up Jesus’ calling and cross and follow him, we must lay down that which keeps us from God. You are not in it alone, but have the supernatural help of God and His Holy Spirit; and you have the prayers, encouragement, and support of this church family.

I would invite you to pray now with me, and to seek accountability from someone here – a friend in Christ or an elder or me… I would gladly provide that for anyone here. Let us pray…

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