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Monday, August 15, 2011

Secrets to a Simpler Life (Mark 12.28-34)

Sermon by:Karen Katibah
August 14, 2011 (Youth Mission Sunday)
Some Music Used 

 Prelude (Walker Austell, piano): "Andante (from Symphony No. 7)" (Beethoven)
"Farewell to the Piano" (Beethoven)
Song of Praise: "Prince of Peace" (Imboden/Rhoton)
The Word in Music (a capella choir): "Our God" (Tomlin/arr. Youngblood)
Offering of Music (children's quartet): "The Mustard Seed" (Anna Laura Page)
Song of Sending: "Only You" (Crowder, Solley, Dodson, Hogan)
Postlude (Walker Austell, piano): "Little Minuet" (Beethoven)

Secrets to a Simpler Life
Text: Mark 12:28-34

(download) **Sermon audio is also accessible as a free podcast in iTunes - search for "Good Shepherd Sermons or Robert Austell"**

Testimony: Kathleen Katibah on serving as summer staff (2011)


A Capella Choir singing "Our God"

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