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Monday, April 25, 2016

Leviticus: God as Holy One

Sermon by: Kathy Larson
Date: April 24, 2016
Text: Leviticus 11
Sermon Audio (link)

The Creation of Adam, Michelangelo, Sistine Chapel, c. 1511-1512, public domain

below is the handout referenced in the sermon: 

God As Holy One
YHWH of hosts is His name, the Holy One of Israel. Isaiah 47:4

Holiness as Separation
·         Holiness as Separation (Jer 10:6-7; Psalm 89:5-15; 1 Chron 17:20-22; Lev 11:45; 18:2-5; 19:2; 20:22-24)
·         Holiness as Complete Perfection (Lev 21:18-22; 22:17-24; Psalm 18:30; 2 Sam 22:31; Deut 32:4; Matt 5:48)
·         Holiness and Impurity as Highly Contagious (Lev 11:32-38; Ezek 44:15-19; 46:19-20; Lev 5:14-16; 2 Sam 6:1-11)
·         Holiness as Proximity to God (Exod 35-40; Lev 19:1-4; 20:22-26; Deut 7:6-8)

Leviticus 20:22-26  
·         Israel is holy because of their relationship with God (see also Exod 19:4-6; Deut 7:6-8; Lev 22:32-33; 20:7-8, 21:8, 22:9 & 16)
·         What does this tell us about God?  What does it tell us about our relationship to God? 

Atonement = wiping away, washing of sin, to make clean/holy again
·         In the OT, sin was atoned for by animal sacrifice (Leviticus 4:20, 26, 31; 5:10, 13, 16, 18; 6:7 & Numbers 15:25-26, 28)
·         In the NT, Christ is our Once-For-All sacrifice (Heb 9:1-14; 10:11-18)

Matthew 5:17-20, 43-45
·         How is Jesus making the law even harder?
·         How is it even possible to be ‘perfect’? 

Me as Holy One
·         I am the Vessel; He is the Spirit (Gal 2:20; 3:27; Rom 8:1-17; Gal 5)
·         I belong to God (Titus 2:11-14; Exod 19:5; Deut 4:20; 1 Cor 6:19-20)
·         I am holy (Titus 2:11-14; Heb 10:19-25; 1 Cor 6:19-20; 1 Pet 2:9-10)
·         I can be holy because Christ lives in me (Gal 2:20; 3:27; Rom 8:1-17)
·         I have been given the Holy Spirit (Gal 3:10-14; 5:1, 13-18, 16-26; 1 Cor 6:19-20; Heb 10:26-27; Rom 7:14-25)

New Testament Sacrifices
·         Burnt/Gift Offering (Lev 1-2) = total commitment – my whole life is a sacrifice (Rom 12:1-2; 1 Thess 5:12-24)
·         Peace Offerings (Lev 3) = fellowship with God – thanks and praise, doing good and sharing (Heb 13:15-16)
·         Purification Offering (Lev 4:1-5:13) = purity – walk by the Spirit, confess to and pray for each other (Gal 5:22-26; James 5:13-16)
·         Reparation Offering (Lev 5:14-26) = reparation – confess to God, make reparation to each other, forgive each other (Matt 5:21-26; 6:1-15)

Daily Devotion Follow Up

Monday: Read Romans 11:32-12:2
·         Why did God shut people up in disobedience (allow sin)? 
·         Is there anyone who knows better than God what you should do with your life? Then shouldn’t you give it up to Him?
·         What are some ways you have conformed to the world instead of obeying God’s Word? How can you renew your mind in those areas? Are you willing to?   

Tuesday: Read 1 Thessalonians 5:12-24
·         Is it even possible to do all of these things all the time?
·         What is God’s will for us in Christ Jesus? How do you fall short of His will for you? Do you believe His will is the best thing for you?
·         Why would it be good to be preserved complete and without blame at Christ’s coming? How can you do that?

Wednesday: Read Hebrews 13:8-16
·         How is our heart strengthened? 
·         What kinds of sacrifices are we offer up to this Spiritual King of the Spiritual Kingdom of God? How often should we praise and thank Him?
·         Why do these sacrifices and not empty religious ritual please God?

Thursday: Read Galatians 5:22-26
·         What are the fruits of the Spirit? Which fruits do you think people see in your life? Which ones are not as apparent? Why?
·         Why should people be able to see all of these in every Christian’s life? Why don’t they?
·         What’s the difference between living by the Spirit and walking by the Spirit?  How can we walk by the Spirit?

Friday: James 5:13-18
·         When should we pray? Why?
·         How powerful are the prayers of a Christian? Does this mean that every time a Christian prays for someone who sick, they will be healed? If not, what does it mean? Which do you think Christ is more concerned about healing, sickness or sin?
·         Why should we confess our sins to one another? If you don’t have an accountability partner to whom you regularly confess, consider it.

Saturday: Read Matthew 5:21-26
·         Why is calling someone a fool the same as murder?
·         Why can’t you present an offering at the altar of a HOLY God when your brother has something against you? If our whole life is an offering, how long should you let a situation go unresolved?
·         Is there anyone with whom you need to be reconciled? If so, what does this passage tell you to do about it?

The video referenced in the sermon is from The Bible Project

Monday, April 18, 2016

Exodus: God as Redeemer

Sermon by: Kathy Larson
Text: Exodus 6:1-8, Galatians 5:1, 13-16
Date: April 17, 2016
Sermon Audio (link)

The Creation of Adam, Michelangelo, Sistine Chapel, c. 1511-1512, public domain

Below is the handout referenced in the sermon: 

God As Redeemer
Let the redeemed of the Lord say so. Psalm 107:2

Redeemed: Definitions
·         to buy or win back something previously sold (pawn shop, poker)
·         to free from captivity by payment or ransom (slavery, kidnapping)
·         repayment of the principal amount of a debt at or before maturity

Go’el: Kinsman-Redeemer: Leviticus 25:47-55 (see also book of Ruth)

Physical Redemption: Exodus 6:1-8 (see also 2 Sam 7:23-24; 1 Chron 17:21)
·         Could the Israelites buy themselves back out of slavery? Why did God redeem them? What did this point ahead to?  
·         What does this tell us about God?  What does it tell us about our relationship to God?

Redemption of the Soul
·         God is the One who redeems our souls (Psalm 49; 103; 55; 69; 119; et. al.)
·         The redemption of the soul is costly (Psalm 49:8)
·         You cannot buy redemption of the soul with money (Psalm 49:6-9)
·         You cannot earn redemption of the soul with good works (Eph 2:8-10)
·         My soul is worth more than the whole world (Matt 16:24-28)
·         We were redeemed with precious blood (1 Peter 1:18-21)
·         Because God has redeemed us, we are no longer slaves but sons and heirs through God (Gal 4:3-7)

What does God As Redeemer tell us about God?
·         God is mighty, The Almighty (Exodus 6:1-8; Ps 49:6-9)
·         God hears our groaning, sees our suffering (Exodus 6:1-8; 2 Cor 1:3-4)
·         God is our God, our Lord, our Father (Exod 6:1-8; Titus 2:11-14; Gal 4-5)
·         God keeps His promises (Gen 15:12-14; Exod 6:1-8; Joel 2:28; Jer 31:31-34)

Living Redemption: Galatians 5:1, 13-16: (Titus 2:11-14; 1 Cor 6:19-20)
·         Why did Christ set us free?  
·         How can we really love God and our neighbors and do good?

Me as Redeemed
·         I belong to God (Titus 2:11-14; Exod 19:5; Deut 4:20; 1 Cor 6:19-20)
·         I am purified, made holy (Titus 2:11-14; Heb 10:19-25)
·         I have been given the Holy Spirit (Gal 3:10-14; 5:1, 13-18; 1 Cor 6:19-20)
·         I am free from evil, zealous for good deeds (Titus 2:11-14; Gal 5:16-26; Heb 10:26-27; Rom 7:14-25)
·         I should glorify God, my Redeemer with my life (1 Cor 6:19-20)
·         I should tell others about my Redeemer (Psalm 107:2)

Daily Devotion Follow Up

Monday: Read Titus 2:11-14
·         If we are ‘for Christ’ and ‘His possession,’ do our lives belong to ourselves? What does that mean for how we should be living? 
·         Why did Jesus give Himself for us? To redeem us from what?
·         Then if we have been redeemed and continue to do lawless deeds, what are we doing to Jesus?
·         How does Jesus want us to live? Why?
·         Are you living this way? If not, what do you need to change? 

Tuesday: Read 1 Corinthians 6:17-20
·         Why is it important to not sin against our own bodies?
·         What kinds of sins are against our own bodies? Are there any of these you are struggling with?
·         Why doesn’t God want us to do these things? Is it because He’s old-fashioned or doesn’t want us to have fun? Or for our own good? Why?

Wednesday: Read Galatians 4:22-31
·         Who are Abraham’s sons & with what covenants do they correspond?
·         How are the covenant of Sinai (Law) and the covenant of Abraham (promise) different? Which covenant are we the children of?
·         How should we live as children of the promise, children who are free?

Thursday: Read Galatians 5:1-6
·         Why did Christ set us free? Free from what? 
·         Why then, if we have been freed from sin, do we keep sinning?
·         Why are we waiting for the hope of righteousness? Don’t we get righteousness when we accept Christ?
·         Who are the ‘circumcised’ and the ‘uncircumcised’? Why don’t either of those matter? What does matter?

Friday: Galatians 5:16-26
·         What are the deeds of the flesh? How can we not carry them out?
·         What are the fruits of the Spirit? How do we have the fruits of the Spirit? Can we bear all of these fruits? Should we? Why or why not?
·         Which fruits do you see in your life? Which are not blooming?
·         How can you cause them to bloom? (Hint: it’s not by just trying harder to be joyful or peaceful or faithful!) 

Saturday: Read I Peter 1:17-23
·         What were we redeemed with? Why is the blood of Christ so special?
·         How have we Christians purified our souls? What should those with purified souls do? Why?
·         What are we ‘born again’ of? How does that give us the power to love?
·         Is there anyone you find hard to love? Why? How can you love them?

The video referenced in the sermon is from The Bible Project.

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"God As..." 

links to all of the sermons in this series: 

Monday, April 11, 2016

Genesis: God as Creator

Sermon by: Kathy Larson
April 10, 2016
Text: Genesis 1:1-2, 26-31; Romans 1:18-25
Sermon Audio (link)

The Creation of Adam, Michelangelo, Sistine Chapel, c. 1511-1512, public domain

Below is the handout referred to in the sermon. The first half is an outline of the sermon. The second half is a daily devotional follow-up for the week after (obviously optional!): 

God As Creator
I have formed you; You are my servant. Isa 44:21









                               DAY 7:

Genesis 1:26-30:
·         What is man’s purpose or role in/among Creation?
·         What does this tell us about God?  What does it tell us about our relationship to God?

What does God As Creator tell us about God?
·         God has existed and will exist forever: Psalm 90:2; 102:25-27; Isa 40:28-29; Rev 4:8
·         The earth & everything in it belong to God: Psalm 24:1-2; 1 Cor 10:26; Isa 43:21
·         God is sovereign over His Creation: Isa 44:24-28, Psalm 104; Job 38-39
·         God created the world for His glory: Ps 19:1-3; Rom 1:18-20
·         Because of this, God is worthy to receive glory, honor and power: Rev 4:10-11; 14:6
Me as Created
·         He is the Potter; I am the clay: Isa 29:15-16; 45:9-13; & 64:8; Jer 18:1-12; Rom 9:20-26
·         I was created for His glory: Isa 43:7, 20-21
·         I was created to serve Him: Isa 45:9-13
·         I was created for good works: Eph 2:10
·         I was created to bear His image: Col 3:10; Rom 8:29

Romans 1:18-25
·         How should all people treat God as Creator? 
·         How have they treated Him instead? 

Daily Devotion Follow Up

Monday: Read Psalm 102:24-28 & 90:1-4
·         God has existed forever, then who created Him? 
·         If God is Creator of everything, then what is God sovereign over? 
·         Sovereign=power/authority: If God has power & authority over us, how should our lives reflect that? 
·         Why should the fact that God never changes reassure us?

Tuesday: Read Isa 45:9-13
·         Why does a pot let a potter mold it? If a pot could get off the potter’s wheel, why wouldn’t it?
·         Are there any areas of your life that you are trying to control, rather than letting God mold and form them?
·         Do you believe that God As Creator knows what’s best for you? Why haven’t you been letting God take control?  

Wednesday: Read Rom 1:18-25
·         Why are people without excuse when it comes to knowing that there is a God?
·         Why do people worship created things rather than the Creator?
·         What things in your life can/do become idols? Why?

Thursday: Read Psalm 19:1-3 & Rev 5:13-14
·         How does God’s creation tell of His glory?
·         When will every creature praise God (see also Phil 2:5-11)? Why not until then? 
·         What about God makes you want to praise Him?

Friday: Read Col 3:8-17
·         Whose image are we supposed to be reflecting and why?
·         Why specifically shouldn’t we lie, have anger, wrath, malice, slander, or abusive speech?
·         Which of these is a temptation for you?
·         The word for ‘put on’ literally means ‘clothe yourself’ – how can you help yourself think about putting these things on each day just as you do your clothes in the morning?

Saturday: Read Isa 43:7; 44:21 & Eph 2:10
·         Why did God create us? Do you bring Him glory with your life? Why or why not?
·         Do you live your life as God’s servant? Why or why not?
·         Do you live a life of good works? Why or why not?
·         What do you need to change about your life to live this way? 

The video referenced in the sermon is from The Bible Project.

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"God As..." 

links to all of the sermons in this series: